English 48b
January 11, 2008
Professor Lankford

Tell all the Truth but tell it slant-/Success in Circuit lies/ Too bright for our infirm Delight
This is the first sentence of opening sentence of one of her most popular poems. I chose this quote because I think it is so meaningful which apply to most of our daily lives.
Almost all parents ask their children to tell the truth when they are young. They have to report the truth to their parents, their teacher, their friends or even anyone around them. However, do they really have to be so honest? Is telling the truth always good? After reading this poem of Dickinson, I will say telling truth is good, but only when it is given out in a slant way or only part of the truth is mentioned.
In the poem, “Success in circuit” means that there is a sharp light produced on the wires after the wires are connected successfully while “lies” means that the light is useless. On one hand, the light cannot last stably. On the other hand, the light is too bright for our “Delight” that we cannot just use it to see things and this light may even hurt our sights. After reading the whole poem, I have some basic understanding. If someone suddenly tells you the whole story of something without any concealment, you may feel very uncomfortable and you may not even trust that person. However, if he or she gradually gives out the most acceptable part of the truth, you probably will feel more comfortable and consider his or her words. In this century, the communication between people is getting more complicated and modern. There should be less social conflicts in order to have a more peaceful society. Therefore, people should think about this statement of Dickinson, “Tell all the Truth but tell it slant”. It definitely helps to make lives easier.
20/20 Wow, Jimmy, great job teasing out the small details!
20/20 Love that pic you posted for this journal too!
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